Biden for President Events Creative
"This is America’s day, this is democracy’s day, the day of history and hope. Today we celebrate a triumph, not of a candidate, but of a cause."
- Joe Biden, 11/07/2021
While working for Biden for President, I was on the events team and most of my work was creating hold screens and promos for various campaign events. Every day I was given a list of events and the information that went with each one from my project managers. I was tasked with creating the screens that would go up before, during and after the event using the Biden-Harris branding however I saw fit. Many of these events were virtual due to COVID-19, so these screens would show up in the livestreams online. I created screens for events every day, so this gallery is not nearly all of the hold screens I created during my time working for Biden-Harris (but if I attempted to include them all my site would surely crash).
Additionally, I often created social media promo graphic packages for each event. Some events did not require any promotion, but most of them did. I would create event promos for Instagram, twitter, Facebook, and the Biden event website. These event promos would generate interest in each event so more people would come out and support the campaign.
In addition to the event hold screens and event promos, I would often also create a livestream package for the events. Not every event needed one of these, but many of them did. These packages were created for livestreams that were hosted by Brandlive, a virtual event platform. The packages included a background, event title, subtitle, logo, and scroll across the bottom bar. Some of my livestream packages can be found at the bottom of this page.